September 2014

Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: Mike Beattie
Date: September 18, 2014
Location: Forest City National G.C. London Ontario


Mike Beattie: President
Frank Vanhie: Past President
Ray Klochnyk: Vice President
Don Miller: Treasurer
Dave Sharp: Secretary (did not attend)
Rick Ellig: Municipal Director
Mike Fillion: Municipal Director
Mike Fortier: Municipal Director
Andre Boutin: Supplier Director
Lisa McClelland: Supplier Director (did not attend)
Cameron MacRae: Supplier Director (did not attend)
Diane Shirchenko: Communications & Marketing
Training & Compliance Director: Position Vacant
Clare Pomeroy: Field Trip Coordinator (did not attend)

Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item # Action Required Comments Owner Target Date Date Resolved
1 Fall Field Trip Contact JJE & Cubex re sponsorship of bus Clare ASAP
Confirm if safety shoes required for plant tours Frank ASAP
2 2015 Fall Show Follow up with Cubex re Ravo Sponsorship Mike B At APWA Show
Check re possible Ergo & Epoke Sponsorship Andre ASAP
3 Newsletter Frank researching article on MEOA history for fall newsletter. Frank On going
Submit articles to Diane Those assigned as per prior minutes October 10th
Prepare composite Diane Before Fall Trip
Prepare information on training opportunities Rick Before Fall Trip
Check advertising rates in APWA magazine Diane ASAP
4 Constitution Advise members that suggested amendments have been adopted Mike B At Spring Meeting
5 Spring Meeting Contact Eloquip & Valley Blades re possible plant tours Frank Done
Send deposit to the Waterloo Inn Ray/Don Done ??
6 Website Prepare articles & forward to Diane As listed in 7 from June 19th meeting ASAP
7 PD Day 2015 Book Forest City Lisa Done
9 Vacant Safety & Compliance Position Contact Kevin Rankin regarding possibly helping out on occasional basis. Frank Done Can’t commit fulltime


Item Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Mike Beattie at 9:35 A.M.
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the August 14th meeting were read and adopted. Motion to accept: Mike Fortier Seconded: Andre Boutin, Carried
3) Treasurers Report Reconciled Balance as per August 19th statement $27,356.18.
Un-reconciled balance of $42,932.90, outstanding cheques include $13,342.20 (Field Trip expenses), $500.00 (OPWA cheque), $690.77 (H.S.T.)
Don provided the following information for the events held this year:
Spring Meeting profit $3,987.27
P.D. Day (loss) $762.76
Fall Show pre-paid registrations $14,786.02
Field trip registration fees $7,150.00, expenses $16,920.45
Financial forecast of our year-end balance expected to be approx. $10,000.00 less than 2013. Most of this deficit due to $5,500.00 less profit from Fall Show and close to $4,500.00 expenses for participating in APWA Show in Toronto.
Discussion followed on CVENT service and the length of time remaining on our contract (2 years). Suggested that we look at the possibility of opting out of this contract early. All in One payment problems were discussed. Concerns were raised about the cost of CVENT and if we are getting good value for what we are paying.Motion to accept: Mike Fillion Seconded: Rick Ellig, Carried
4) Action items Please refer to notes above for all Action items
5) 2015 Spring Meeting Meeting to be held April 15th & 16th. in Waterloo. The Waterloo Inn is on hold, to confirm a $1,000.00 deposit is required. Room rates are $139.00 ea. Meeting room cost $900.00, breakfast $10.50 ea, coffee break 4.00 ea. & lunch $24.00 ea. Wajax & Olympia have confirmed their participation with plant tours & presentations. Eloquip has declined to sponsor, still waiting for confirmation from Valley Blades. Frank to now contact Grote Industries to see if they are interested. Sponsors will be asked for a $2,500.00 minimum donation and the main meeting sponsor will be asked for a minimum $5,000.00 donation. Panel type presentation with a moderator and questions from the floor still being considered. Members could also be asked to submit questions in writing prior to the meeting. Andre suggested that we consider re-introducing “What’s New to the Industry” session as part of the agenda. All members of the executive asked to provide topics of interest that can become part of the agenda. Two suggestions shared included a speaker on Driver Distractions and possibly having someone from Ritchie Brothers Auctions. Dinner on Wednesday evening to be held at Kennedy’s in St. Agatha. Dinner menu to be discussed at next meeting.
6)2015 Equipment Show/Fleet Challenge Discussion about the possibility of combining the Fall Show and Fleet Challenge Ride & Drive. Questions that followed included: what time of year would the event be held? What insurance implications would this joint event have on the MEOA? It was decided that we would invite Chris Hill to our next executive meeting to get more details, Mike Beattie to confirm
7) P.D. Day Mike Fortier confirmed that we have booked Forest City National in London, $90.00 ea for lunch, dinner & cart. The Equipment Specialist have agreed to sponsor the lunch.
8) Fall Show Andre reported that attendance numbers for the show were down. We had some supplier no-shows. The presentations offered by Stihl and Chris Hill not well attended. There were approx. 10 people for the Stihl presentation and 4 people heard Chris Hill speak. Good response for the MEOA band during lunch. Andre offered to be a co-chair for the 2015 show. Discussion followed on options for next year and what changes can be made.
9) 2014 Fall Field Trip Twenty five participants are booked & confirmed to attend. We had one late addition to the group (Ken Williams, Region of Niagara) and one late cancellation Ray Klochnyk. Still have some meals not covered by sponsors. The hotel rooms for the Friday night are not covered. Rooms have been booked for the Friday at the Quality Inn in Mosinee Wisconsin. Diane handed out the trip itinerary, parking voucher and plane tickets for all present. All packages have been handed out, the executive members present to make sure non-executive members to get their packages before next Friday. Frank to send out a second message to all participants asking them to confirm travel plans and let them know that their packages will be arriving soon.
10) Newsletter Diane advised that she is waiting for just two more articles for the next edition of the newsletter. Once the Fall show report and the History of the MEOA are done she can proceed with getting it all compiled.
11) Website Cara Epp from Edana Marketing was a guest and lead us through some possible changes offered up through her company that could be made to our existing website. Unfortunately we ran out of time to discuss everything so we will ask that she attend our next meeting in Welland. After she left we had a lengthy discussion about the website and how we got to the point that we presently are at. It was agreed that what she was proposing was of interest to the group, but it was also a decision that must be made by the entire executive. It was moved by Ray Klochnyk and second by Diane Shirchenko that we enter into an agreement with Edana Marketing to move ahead with a re-design of our website, subject to a follow up meeting to clarify some of the items discussed at this meeting today and to confirm that our needs can be met. Motion carried. Mike Beattie to confirm meeting. All members of executive asked to forward questions or concerns with this project to Mike Beattie.

New Business

1) 3rd Party audit Discussion on the need of having an audit completed either annually or once every five years was discussed. E mail from DBO was shared with the group and the cost associated with having this work completed was discussed. Rick Ellig, because of previous experience he shared with the group from another association he belonged too, was asked to explore options on what can be done and at what cost.
2) 2015 Fall Field Trip Mike Beattie has offered to help organize the 2015 trip being proposed for Europe. He suggested looking at having a group with a maximum of 30 participants, with a total budget in the neighborhood of $60,000.00 if the maximum number was reached. Mike seemed confident that suppliers could then be approached with a dollar amount required to be a sponsor and the trip would be properly supported from a financial standpoint. More details to follow.
3) Bill Barr request A request from Bill Barr asking the MEOA to forward his fundraising efforts in support of United Way was declined. We are not opposed to supporting Bill’s efforts to raise money, but felt that the request needs to come from Bill directly to any member that he wishes to ask support from.
4) Open Discussion Mike Beattie informed the executive of the upcoming surgery scheduled for tomorrow (September 19th) for John Rutkay from DICAN. It was decided that the MEOA would make a donation in the amount of $150.00 to the cancer clinic at the Hamilton Hospital where John will have his surgery. In addition, Ray suggested that we purchase some “sweets” (chocolates, candy etc.) for the nursing staff to make sure that they take good care of John during his stay and to let them know that we appreciate the work that they do.Frank updated the group on Jim Andersons retirement get together held on August 22nd at the Strongco office. Six members of the MEOA travel to Brampton to wish him well in his retirement. Jim talked about his involvement with the MEOA and will be participating in our trip to Tomahawk at the end of the month.

October meeting will be held in Welland. Lunch to be an assortment of sandwiches from a local deli. Mike Fortier will be sending everyone a menu prior to the meeting so that you can select your favourite sandwich to be delivered that day. December meeting hosted by Andre Boutin will be held at JJEI headquarters in Barrie

4) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 2:20
Motioned By: Diane Shirchenko, Seconded By: Andre Boutin

Next Meeting

Scheduled Date: September 18th Location: Forest City, London