February – 2016

Subject  MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person Ray Klochnyk
Date February 18, 2016

Elora Brewing Co, Elora



Executive Present Position Attended Regrets
Ray Klochnyk President ü    
Mike Beattie Past President    ü
Rick Ellig Vice President ü   
Don Miller Treasurer   ü  
Dave Sharp Secretary ü  
Mike Fortier Municipal Director    ü
Jim Thompson Municipal Director   ü  
Bill Barr Municipal Director ü  
Andre Boutin Supplier Director   ü
Lisa McClelland Supplier Director   ü     
Cameron MacRae Supplier Director   ü  
Diane Shirchenko Communications & Marketing     ü
Bill Greenhalgh Training & Compliance Director ü  
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator   ü  
Frank Vanhie Field Trip Assistant   ü  


Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item #

Action Required Comments


Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick ? Deferred to end of year
    Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act Don Miller ? Deferred to end of year
2 Newsletter  Send photos to Diane for news letter All Jan 21  
    Historical news items Diane & Ray ASAP  
    Send out newsletter Diane Mid March  
3 Web Site Remove old minutes Diane ASAP  
6 2016 Spring Conference Send Scotia Center contract payment Don As arranged  
    Send spread sheet updates to Rick or Diane All As required  
    Complete duty list for executive & volunteers   ASAP  
    Send out sponsor packages Diane ASAP  
    Complete agenda Lisa Prior to end of next week  
    Post agenda on web site Diane By end of next week  
    Promote registration All Ongoing  
    Send show info to AORS association secretaries   ASAP  
    Speaker plaques Frank As required  
    Attendee gift Ray As required  
    Bags Diane As required  
7 Field Trip Locations Clare & Frank ASAP  






Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Ray Klochnyk at 10:20 A.M. Ray advised the group that Mike Fortier was going for hip surgery and would be off for a few months recovery time.
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the January 21st., 2016 executive meeting were read and adopted.

Motion to accept: Don Miller

Seconded: Lisa McClelland,  Carried





3) Treasurers Report Current balance in account  is $30,240.36. Scotia Center cheque for around $20,000 for contract payment is due to be paid in early March


Ray advised that he and Don had a meeting regarding the breakout of financials for 2015 events. The breakout figures currently very difficult to sort out. Moving forward changes will be to make it less complicated to sort out the event breakouts. Ray will sign off on the 2015 financials. 

4) Spring  Conference Jim has booked Oh Canada Eh? dinner theatre for entertainment at the Gala dinner. The cost is $7,500.00 plus tax and the group will provide entertainment after dinner and not during the meal.

Mail any updates for the task list spread sheet to Rick or Diane.

Some members who have signed up to attend the event have also offered to volunteer to help out with any required duties at the event. A duty list will be prepared and those who have offered to help will be contacted.

A area will be required on the show floor for the group to gather for any MEOA announcements. The booth next to the MEOA if possible will left unsold and that should then provide enough open space.

Forms are being sent out to event sponsors to be completed and returned. Company logos will be requested on the form so that they can be put onto the hand out bags.

All executive members are to promote attendance at the show and are to reach out to their contacts and encourage them to attend. Additional promotional e mails will be sent out as required. Cameron & Dave will promote the event at the upcoming Good Roads Convention. Show promotional material will be sent out to the secretaries of the AORS local associations and they will be asked to announce the show to their members at their various association meetings.


Event agenda is being worked on as per the draft prepared. Lisa will complete the agenda & send out to Diane by the end of next week for Diane to release on the web site.

Frank will look after the MEOA plaques for the speakers.

All group “A” & “B” attendees will receive a hand out gift. The value of the gift is not to exceed $40.00 each. A gift will also be provided to registered spouses. Ray is investigating gift options & he will look after finding appropriate gifts.

Those volunteers helping out with administration and security at the event will not be required to register for the event.

Diane is looking after the hand out bags and the bags will be cloth.        


5) Newsletter The news letter is almost ready to be sent out & there should be no problem meeting the mid March target date. Diane still needs executive members who have not already done so to send in their photos.


6) Web Site Ongoing and the C Vent cancelation has been completed.


7) Field Trip The Government Fleet Expo will no longer be considered as a possible destination as it is to close the MEOA Spring Conference & Show. Clare & Frank will look after canvassing supplier members for possible destinations and suggestions. Will continue to investigate Con Expo as a possible 2017 trip. 
8) PD Day Course is booked & confirmed but the contract still needs to be signed. Prior contact at the club is no longer working there and we will be advised of who the new contact will be ASAP. Lisa advised that she has a new position at NAPA and will not be able to continue to be a MEOA executive member. But she will continue with her PD Day duties. Ray is looking after the PD Day registration hand out gift. Maximum value is $20.00 each. If anyone has suggestions for a appropriate gift please send them to Ray.   
9) Action Items Please refer to notes above for all action items.


1) New Business Two executive positions will be open for election at the Spring Conference & Show. Mike Beattie is out going as Past President & Lisa McClelland is out going as Supplier Director.  


  Diane will be contacted and asked to send out ongoing updated Conference registration lists. The lists are to be reviewed and those who have not signed up will be are to contacted and reminded.    
  Ray will contact The Historical Society & offer them a no cost booth at the show.
  There will be a special registration fee for any MEOA Past Presidents who would like to attend the Spring Conference & Show.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:30

Motioned By: Bill Barr, Seconded By: Jim Thompson, Carried





Next Meeting
Scheduled Date March 17, 2016 Barrie, ON Hosted by: Andre