April – 2016

Subject  MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person Ray Klochnyk
Date April 14, 2016

Region of Waterloo Operations Center, Cambridge



Executive Present Position Attended Regrets
Ray Klochnyk President ü    
Mike Beattie Past President    ü
Rick Ellig Vice President ü   
Don Miller Treasurer   ü  
Dave Sharp Secretary   ü
Mike Fortier Municipal Director    ü
Jim Thompson Municipal Director   ü  
Bill Barr Municipal Director ü  
Andre Boutin Supplier Director ü  
Lisa McClelland Supplier Director        ü
Cameron MacRae Supplier Director   ü  
Diane Shirchenko Communications & Marketing   ü  
Bill Greenhalgh Training & Compliance Director ü  
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator   ü  
Frank Vanhie Field Trip Assistant   ü  


Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item #

Action Required Comments


Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick ? Deferred to end of year
    Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act Don Miller ? Deferred to end of year
2 Newsletter Complete   Ray & Diane   Ready for May 4th
3 Web Site Remove old minutes Diane ASAP  
6 2016 Spring Conference Send Scotia Center contract payment Don Complete  
    Send spread sheet updates to Rick or Diane All As required  
    Complete duty list for executive & volunteers Bill ASAP  
    Send out sponsor packages Diane ASAP  
    Promote registration All Ongoing  
    Send show info to AORS association secretaries Mike F & Ray Done  
    Speaker plaques, tour plaques, outgoing executive plaques Frank As required  
    Attendee gift Ray As required  
    Bags Diane As required  
    Split up list & contact suppliers Andre & those delegated Ongoing  
     Send hotel deadline email   Done  
    Split up members list & contact Frank & those delegated Done  
    Confirm menu choice All April Meeting?  
    MEOA labelled wine Ray ASAP  
    Contact past presidents & offer special rate Frank Ongoing  
    Balloons, banners & sponsor booth signs Diane ASAP  
    Event photographer Cameron Done  
    Arrange for volunteers Cameron Ongoing  
    Volunteer & executive ID vests Ray Done  
    MEOA lanyards Diane Done  
    AORS & OPWA free booths   Done  
    Speaker Bio’s Diane ASAP  
    AV Rick ASAP  
    Contact media Diane & Jim ASAP  
7 Field Trip Locations Clare & Frank ASAP  






Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Ray Klochnyk at 9:35 A.M. Ray provided an update on Mike Fortier and the good news that he would not be required to take the treatments that were previously discussed. That is good news for Mike and his family. Ray updated us on Lisa McClelland’s new job and how it might be a challenge for her to be able to attend our conference. In addition we were told that Herb Preikschas had thanked us for the sympathy card that was sent to him after the recent passing of his mother
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the March 17th, 2016 executive meeting were read and adopted.

Motion to accept: Andre Boutin

Seconded: Bill Barr,  Carried


3) Treasurers Report Don Miller reported the following bank balance as of April 14, 2016.

Current bank balance as of April 14th, 2016 $55,896.86

Cheques not yet deposited $7,398.65

New balance would be $63,295.51


Payments to Scotiabank Center to date = $37,291.13

Don to email year-end financial report to all executive members for review

Motion to accept: Jim Thompson

Seconded: Cameron MacRae

4) Spring  Conference Topics of discussion included the following:

-Executive positions (open), we will need to elect one (1) municipal and one (1) supplier director to replace the retiring members Mike Beattie and Lisa McClelland

-V.P. for the year 2016-17 is Bill Barr by acclamation

-New executive to be announced at the end of the morning session of the annual meeting. A group photo of this group to be taken before lunch

-Plaques need to be ordered for President Ray, Lisa and our guest speakers. Bill Barr to provide speaker names and the company they represent to Frank. In addition Jim T. to provide names to be put on the plaques for the two places that we will be touring on Friday. Please provide information to Frank by Thursday April 21st.

-Spouses attending the event will be presented with a gift during their outing on Thursday. Jim T. to make arrangements for these gifts

-As of April 14th, most 10X10 booths have been booked. Still have a number of the 40X20 booths open. Andre, Cameron & Diane to follow up with “potential” vendors for these spots

-There will be two (2) draws, 1 on Wednesday and the other on Friday that you must be there to win. Ray to purchase these two gifts

-50/50 draw will be held at the conclusion of the annual meeting on Thursday afternoon

-Two (2) bonus draws will be held at the Gala dinner, tickets will be $5.00 each or special of 4 for $20.00 (as per Rick)

-Don to purchase large TV as one of two prizes to be won at the Gala

-Rick presented the duty list for the full three days. Rick will email this list to all of the executive

-Equipment show – vendor set-up is scheduled for Tuesday from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. and on Wednesday morning

-Discussion about offering a “special” rate to vendors wishing to attend the Gala dinner. It was decided that a rate of $85.00 plus HST would be offered to any suppliers looking to attend the Gala dinner and entertainment event. Clare and Diane to follow up with vendors already registered to make them aware of this pricing

-Cameron is looking after co-ordinating the group of volunteers monitoring all visitors to the show on both Wednesday and Thursday

-Andre & Cameron to schedule a visit to the Scotiabank Center the last week of April to confirm all details have been finalized for the show

-Speaking duties – please refer to duty list for confirmation of speaker responsibilities. Guest speaker to be introduced by Rick and thanked by Ray

-Charity cheque presentation to Donkey Sanctuary will be a minimum of $2,000.00 (currently we have collected $1,160.00) it is expected/hoped that between the 50/50 draw and the proceeds from the two draws at the Gala dinner we will reach that goal. If we fall short the balance will be made up from the MEOA bank account

-Ray to compile a nostalgia photo presentation (approx. 15 minutes in length) of what has happened over the past 50 years (world events, sporting champions, pictures of Clare in his lederhosen etc.) these pictures will be on the big screen at the Gala dinner. In addition photos representing the history of the MEOA will be shown at the MEOA booth during the show

-All members of the executive to meet on Tuesday night from 6-7 p.m. in Don Millers suite

-Vender welcome reception (including food) scheduled for Tuesday night from 7-9

5) PD Day Ray has offered to help Mike F organize this event as a result of Lisa getting her promotion
6) Newsletter The newsletter is ready and will be available at our event in May. Job well done by all that contributed


7) Web Site Cara has given notice that after our event in May she will no longer be our website contact. The executive will be exploring options to find her replacement


8) Field Trip Noel from Cubex has suggested Swartz Sweepers near Atlanta Georgia as a location. It was decided that an email will be sent to all of our supplier companies informing them of our “potential” destination, possible dates for our trip and asking them who may be interested in becoming a sponsor (either by hosting our group at one of the companies in the U.S. that they represent or by being a financial sponsor) . The goal is to have a plan in place that can be presented to our members at the meeting in Niagara Falls.

Discussion on a possible trip in 2017 to the Construction Show in Las Vegas will be presented in May as well to gauge the interest from the membership 

8) Action Items Please refer to notes above for all action items.


1) New Business Discussion regarding how we poll the membership to get suggestions on what we do, what services we provide i.e. training opportunities, relevant information and how the membership liked the change of combining the annual meeting and Equipment Show into one event were all points of discussion. It was agreed that we need to look at conducting a survey (either at the end of the event or possibly by survey monkey) to get feedback from our members




Next Meeting
Scheduled Date May 4,5 &6th, 2016 50th Anniversary Event Hosted by: MEOA