December 2011

Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: John Duncan
Date: December 15, 2011
Location: Dican, Burlington ON


Invited Position Attended Regrets
John Duncan President X
Greg Lancaster Vice President X
Bill Barr Past President X
Don Miller Treasurer X
Frank Vanhie Municipal Director X
Ray Klochnyk Municipal Director X
Jim Thompson Municipal Director X
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator X
John Rutkay Supplier Director X
Brian Knight Supplier Director X
Doug Bannon Supplier Director X
Dave Sharp Secretary X
Jerry Rade X

Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item # Action Required Comments Owner Target Date Date Resolved
1 Fleet Safety Committee Purchase software for electronic meetings Jerry Rade Jan/11

Constitution Changes

John to report back at next meeting, regarding term of office


John to make changes as per 4.1 and circulate prior to next meeting

John Duncan
John Duncan
Next Meeting


Next Meeting

3 Spotlight Advertisement John Rutkay to prepare MEOA advertisement John Rutkay 12/08/10
4 Spotlight Advertisement John Duncan to arrange to have the advertisement placed John Duncan 12/09/10
5 2011 Fall Show Date to be confirmed with the Aud. Don Miller Done
6 2011 Spring Meeting John Rutkay will complete budget and present to executive and forward mail to members asking for presentation suggestions. John Rutkay Next Meeting
Forward any suggestions for topics/speakers to John Rutkay All Done
Jerry Rade to present ideas from group Jerry Rade Next Meeting
7 2011 PD Day Draw prizes Ray Klochnyk & Frank Vanhie ASAP
Confirm lunch sponsor (DiCAN) Frank Vanhie Done
8 2011 Fall Field Trip Confirm dates , follow up e mail Clare Pomeroy Next Meeting
9 AORS Trade Show Confirm personal for booth duty Frank Vanhie ASAP
Make up slide show Ray Klochnyk May/11
10 Hand Held Exemption Check to see who is exempt Jerry Rade ASAP
11 Window Stickers Check at Grey County meeting Doug Bannon ASAP
12 Membership Gift for membership registration Doug Bannon


Next Meeting
13 Spring Meeting Spring meeting pre registration gift Doug Bannon & Frank Vanhie ASAP
14 MEOA Web Site Add tab for training info on MEOA web site Don Miller ASAP
15 CFIB Membership Membership to assist in banking fees Don Miller ASAP


Item Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by John Duncan at 10:26 A.M
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the last meeting, November 25th were read and adopted, with the following corrections delete Don Miller and add Jerry Rade to action item 16, Item # adjournment numbered incorrectly change to 19. John Duncan commented that action items should include our 4 events.

Motion to accept: Ray Klochnyk
Seconded: John Rutkay

3) Treasurers Report Don Miller advised that there was no current financial update
4) Meeting Expenses Don Miller made a motion that executive expenses being covered outside of normal executive meetings by MEOA executives be covered by the MEOA up to $25.00 per person for meal’s while conducting MEOA business. Seconded: John Duncan Carried
5) Insurance Renewal Last year’s policy rate was $4,207.00. Liability is currently under review by Don Miller and the brokerage company and they are working toward completing prior to the renewal due date.
6) Constitution Changes John Duncan reviewed constitution artfile which conflicts with 4.1 and will make the necessary changes and circulate prior to the next meeting to fit our current format.
7) P.D Day Ray Klochnyk discussed the possibility of giving away a sleeve of balls and a golf shirt with registration and/or a jacket. Cost for a jacket would be approximately $40.00. Tickets will be sold for prizes at registration. Ray and Frank will look after coming up with draw prizes. Hole sponsorship rate will be increased to $150.00
8) Fall Show Jim Thompson met with Trish. 10’ x 10’ Inside booth will be $150.00, 20’ x 30’ outside booth will be $500.00. Each booth to include one meal ticket. Registration will have additional badges and list of registered guests. 600 flyers made for MEOA to be handed out. Don Miller will look after the sound system. Still working on speakers. Kitchener only have one pad for the 15th. All registered at $40.00 are entitled to a meal and educational sessions. The meal will be a outside BBQ.
9) Fall Field Trip Roger Vanderlinden is interested in sponsorship and Clare will follow up with e mail for Europe or USA trip and he will include dates. Will report back at next board meeting with details.
10) Spring Meeting The Best Western is booked and deposit has been paid. Agenda topics will be left for next executive meeting to decide on. The dates are April 13th. & 14th. 2011. Tentative agenda for the 13th, Zamboni factory tour by Frank, hot buffet lunch included, Cubex new facility after lunch until 4:00 pm, return to hotel, registration and check in, 5:30 Mohawk Pavilion, BBQ sponsorship to be determined, casino night will be looked after by professionals, Jim Thompson to provide background acoustical music, wrap up at 11:00 P.M. Tentative agenda for the 14th, continental breakfast, buffet lunch, wrap up by 3:00 P.M. Jerry Rade’s group will come to the next meeting with Fleet Safety agenda ideas .
11) Membership Don Miller discussed promotional items for membership registration such as engraved business card holder. Doug Bannon will be attending meeting with Grey County regarding window stickers and report back to executive. Anyone who signs up for membership before the spring meeting will receive a business card holder. Doug Bannon will talk to Frank regarding this.
12) Hand Held Exemption Jerry is checking to see who is exempt and will report back to executive at next meeting.
13) CFIB Next meeting
14) Web Site John Rutkay discussed the efforts of Mike Born and suggested a $500.00 Best Buy gift card will be given to Mike Born, all were in agreement and a card to be signed also by executive. Group also agreed to add training info tab on website. Don Miller to communicate to Mike Born.
15) CVOR Challenge Need a way to know difference between regular vehicles and CVO vehicles. Letter will be drafted and sent to us.
16) Spotlight Magazine Ad All in one flyer sent to fall field trip people and will come up with same look for brochures/invitational cards.
17) AORS Trade Show Frank will be the booth coordinator, personal to man the booth will be determined
18) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:24 P.M. Motioned By: John Rutkay Seconded By: Ray Klochnyk Carried

Next Meeting

Scheduled Date January 13th Location Milton
Start Time 10:00 End Time As Required