January 2012

Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: Greg Lancaster
Date: January 19, 2012
Location: Dican, Burlington ON


Invited Position Attended Regrets
Greg Lancaster President X
John Duncan Past President X
Jim Thompson Vice President X
Don Miller Treasurer X
Dave Sharp Secretary X
Frank Vanhie Municipal Director X
Ray Klochnyk Municipal Director X
Bill Smith Municipal Director X
Brian Knight Supplier Director X
Doug Bannon Supplier Director X
Diane Shirchenko Supplier Director X
Jerry Rade Training & Compliance Director X
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator X

Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item # Action Required Comments Owner Target Date Date Resolved
1 MEOA Show booth Revamp booth – suggest that we incorporate a few pictures that would help properly “promote” the association. Look at purchasing some carpet for the floor area and adding a couple of chairs for those working the booth Frank Vanhie / ALL ASAP
2 CVOR Challenge Prepare update for members Jerry Rade ASAP
3 Spouses Weekend Confirm Details Bill Smith / ALL ASAP Decided not to move ahead with event
4 E mail List Don & Mike to prepare e mail list of non members who have attended events for potential membership follow up Don Miller/ Mike Born ASAP
5 Spring Meeting Sponsorship Delegated executive members to follow up with potential sponsors As per 4) below ASAP Partially completed as per 4 below
6 Spring Meeting Check for possible wine sponsors and long sleeve shirts Diane ASAP
Investigate GPS presentation as per 6 below Ray ASAP
7 Fall Field Trip Start planning for announcement of details to members at Spring Meeting Clare/ Diane/ Frank Prior to Spring Meeting
Follow up sponsorship letters Frank ASAP
8 Carry On Bag Logo Ray to investigate extra cost for official MEOA logo on bags Ray Klochnyk ASAP
9 P.D. Day Investigate possible BBQ prize Ray Klochnyk ASAP
Forward MEOA logo art work to Ray Don ASAP
Investigate current location of hole sponsorship signs Ray ASAP
10 Printed Membership List Don to investigate preparation of printed membership list Don Miller ASAP
12 Training & Safety Alerts Check members who would like to be on e mail list Jerry ASAP
13 Follow Up Training Program Investigate possible way to handle Jerry ASAP


Item Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Greg Lancaster at 9:09 A.M
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the last meeting, December 15th were read and adopted. Motion to accept: Diane Shirchenko Seconded: Bill Smith Carried
3) Treasurers Report Not available, Don advised that the year end is not yet completed. Membership mail out is ready to go and will be sent out next week when the spring flyer is completed.
4) Spring Meeting 2012 Diane confirmed that Nissan will be participating at the $1,200.00 dollar level and that Ontario Power Generation has also confirmed their presentation on the tunnel project. The OPG presenter will be Rick Everdell and he will require half a hour to forty five minutes. Ray advised that Pallfinger have expressed interest in sponsorship but have not yet confirmed. Jim reported that SWS have confirmed $1,200.00 sponsorship and also St Catharines Truck & Tractor. They are also talking to Freightliner about possible additional funds to allow sponsorship at the $5,000.00 level. Battlefield are interested in $ 1,200.00 sponsorship but have not yet confirmed. Ray advised that if required he could approach Cummings regarding a presentation. So far confirmed presentations are Nissan, Missionary Ventures Canada, Kitchener Operations Center Project, SWS, St. Catharines Truck & Tractor and OPG. Battelfield and Pallfinger are potentials. Dave said that he would check and advise if Viking would participate with a 1,200.00 sponsorship. Diane advised that the cost of (8) 5’ round tables for the hanger would be 200.00, meals chicken or beef on a bun would be 8.00 each and that the caterer would supply 1 to 2 servers for 65.00. Jim advised that Molson would sponsor beverages and that smart serve bartenders will be required. Diane is going to check for possible wine sponsors. Cost of two busses for transportation from the hotel to the airport will be 226.00. Hospitality sweet will be open 8-11pm and the hanger lunch will be at 2 pm. The event flyer will be ready Thursday and will be posted on the web site. Diane will investigate cost of long sleeve shirts with supplier sponsor logos. Ray to investigate possibility of a GPS presentation to be arranged if required.
5) 2012 P.D. Day Ray has purchased the T.V. and golf bags. Bear Creek will donate gifts for the prize table. Ray to investigate purchase of a BBQ for a prize. Hole sponsorship will be same as last year 150.00 each. Don will forward to Ray the art work for the MEOA logo for the golf bags. For the travel bags the MEOA logo will be stitched on if possible. Shot gun start will be at 12 noon. Members to be reminded at the spring meeting that they will not be required to donate prizes to the gift table. Ray will check location of hole sponsorship signs from last year.
6) Fall Show The tours of the new Kitchener facility will be offered the day before the show in the afternoon.
7) 2012 Field Trip Five potential sponsors have been identified and sponsorship letters have been prepared and forwarded to potential sponsors. Frank to follow up. Goal is to announce the trip at the spring meeting and to have sign up forms available at that time.
8) Membership List Update Executive members are to review on the web site and make any updates or changes that they are aware of.
9) CVOR Challenge A lobbyist has been hired by the WMA who is working with the coalition group on this initiative. MTO is trying to revamp but resources are limited until 2014.Expecting call from Assistant Deputy Minister, nothing direct with MTO all needs to go to the Minister. Their will be a early spring meeting for stakeholders regarding 2-way radios and we will be on the list.
10) New Business Jerry to check at spring meeting to see what members would like to be on the list for e mail circulation of training info and safety alerts. Don & Jerry to meet with Mike and investigate system and way to send to members who are interested. Jerry, asked if The MEOA would be interested in putting together a program that would provide additional follow up training after initial one training seasons as nothing is currently available. Jerry to look at possible ideas for handling this and advise. Jerry will approach training staff form Municipalities who are not currently MEOA members in regard to joining. Ray asked if the MEOA would allow advertisements on the Web site for jobs wanted. The decision was no.
11) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M.

Motioned By: Bill Smith

Seconded By: Doug Bannon


Next Meeting

Scheduled Date February16th Location Best Western Milton
Start Time 10:00 End Time As Required