May – 2016

Subject MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person Rick Ellig
Date May 18, 2016

Region of Waterloo Operations Center, Cambridge



Executive Present Position Attended Regrets
Rick Ellig President ü    
Ray Klochnyk Past President    ü
Bill Barr Vice President ü   
Don Miller Treasurer   ü  
Dave Sharp Secretary   ü
Mike Fortier Municipal Director   ü  
Jim Thompson Municipal Director    ü
Scott Boughner Municipal Director   ü
Andre Boutin Supplier Director ü  
Cor Bultena Supplier Director   ü     
Cameron MacRae Supplier Director    ü
Diane Shirchenko Communications & Marketing     ü
Bill Greenhalgh Training & Compliance Director   ü
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator   ü  
Frank Vanhie Field Trip Assistant    ü


Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item #

Action Required Comments


Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick Oct/2016 Dec 31/2016
    Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act Don Miller Oct/2016 Pending
2 Newsletter Complete   Ray & Diane May/2016 Completed/Distributed at Conference, on Website
3 Web Site Remove old minutes

Rick to follow-up with Diane

Diane ASAP Pending
4 Field Trip Locations Clare & Frank ASAP  






Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Rick Ellig at 9:50 A.M.


2) Thankyou from Ray Rick on behalf of Ray K, read out a thankyou to the executive and welcome the new executive members as well.


3) Welcome New Executive Rick, welcome to new executive members.
4) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the May 5th, 2016 Business portion of the Spring meeting & Equipment show were read and adopted.

Motion to accept: Bill Barr

Seconded: Andre Boutin,  Carried


5) Treasurers Report Don Miller just had returned from vacation and there were a number of outstanding cheques and payments, and Don asked that any outstanding invoices or charges for MEOA be forwarded to him asap. Treasurer report will be provided at the June meeting, but at the time of this meeting we had a bank balance of $3,320.00.

Rick on behalf of Ray; The Donkey Sanctuary charity will receive a $2,000 cheque from the MEOA. Ray to deliver at first opportunity.

Money raised for SUDEP charity to be part of treasurer report in June.


6) Spring  Conference Review Topics of discussion included the following:


– 28 responses to date (16) Supplier, (9) Municipal. Initial trend indicated most liked format, but felt costs were high and municipal participation was poor.

Other suggestions, Timing of event – critical, other conflicts, maybe consider every other year for equipment show

– Diane to collate the surveys, once survey closes so all information can be reviewed at June meeting.

– Bill B spring meeting component in past generally break even and equipment show profit $12-15K, does this format meet that?

– Cor, supplier expectations were high, but results low. Need to communicate what is our Municipal membership count and expected attendance for the event.

Group discussion:

– Need to compare 2016 format of Conference format to previous events (size/location/attendance/value for $/meeting information)

– Main challenges – Municipal membership and attendance at events

– Clare, suggests opening up constitution to add more eg:(contractors) or focus on that group to attend/participate in events

-Consider a 2 day vs 3 day event

– Bill&Andre, target eg: Operations staff, rebate or free (membership/attendance) for bringing in new members

-Andre noted we need to focus on new Fleet people as well. (Rick mentioned that we have lost a lot of Fleet members through retirements and job changes at the municipalities)

-Review food and drink benefits and the benefits

– Consider having the trade show with eg: PD day, other

– Rick suggested that executive group create a to-do-list for next meeting regarding next steps for Equipment Show/Spring Meeting.

Rick on behalf of Ray: Safety vests are on order from Wallace Ware, expected to be ready early July, ready for our next event.

Rick on behalf of Frank; read out positive feedback received from Ann Marie Millson and Brian Elliot past presidents about the conference.

Conference Pictures:

-Diane circulated

To be discussed, but expectation that we return to past practice of one member receiving “Member of the Year”


7) PD Day -Rick on behalf of Ray: PD day confirmed at New Dundee Golf & Country Club. They have agreed to honor the verbal pricing @ $5.00 rate per person. This does not change the registration costing.

-Ray to confirm with course manager is a deposit is required and when.

-Ray stated give-aways ordered through Wallace work Ware. Rick to confirm what?

-Diane and Mike to coordinate PD day notice on website

-Mike to coordinate give-away prizes with Ray

-Mike and Ray to meet and discuss logistics of PD day


8) Field Trip Update  Clare

-Frank distributed letters to suppliers – no response yet

-N/Trac Asphault (Alabama), contacted and waiting for reply

-Have some financial sponsors-to be confirmed

-Look into cost of (Air/Bus)

-Date – Late Sept/Early Oct

– Consideration to travel to as far as Nashville and work in stops there and back.

-Eaton Corp (Marshall Michigan is interested in hosting as part of the trip).

-Consideration: ConEx Las Vegas– Mar/April 2017. To be discussed as potential for next Field Trip


9) Web Site – CVENT will cease as of end of 2016

– immediate needs, Cara setup PD on website before ending her website support for MEOA

– website short term needs; need CVENT support ie: reconciliation of financial records, some website administration (to be determined) until new solution is found.

-Mike Born was asked if he would consider providing this support. He has confirmed he would.

-Motion by Andre to have Mike provide this support. Seconded by Bill B

-Rick and Don to discuss compensation with Mike. Likely to be on an hourly bases, but to be finalized.

-Future needs. Rick and Diane doing preliminary work, plan to bring further information for discussion at next meeting. Investigating some event planning software, that is compatible with moneris and word press.

-Fall field trip will be the first item to address in addition to the general up keep of the site.

-RFQ/I a consideration for this process.

-All executive members to provide feedback on any support solution/company they have knowledge of as we work through this process





1) New Business Bill/Ray. Don’t have the notes at home to finish this.




Next Meeting
Scheduled Date June 21, 2016 New Dundee Golf Club