Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: Mike Beattie
Date: October 16, 2014
Location: Welland Arena, Welland Ontario
Mike Beattie: President
Frank Vanhie: Past President
Ray Klochnyk: Vice President
Don Miller: Treasurer
Dave Sharp: Secretary
Rick Ellig: Municipal Director (did not attend)
Mike Fillion: Municipal Director (did not attend)
Mike Fortier: Municipal Director
Andre Boutin: Supplier Director (did not attend)
Lisa McClelland: Supplier Director (By Phone Conference Call)
Cameron MacRae: Supplier Director
Diane Shirchenko: Communications & Marketing
Training & Compliance Director: Position Vacant
Clare Pomeroy: Field Trip Coordinator (did not attend)
Action Items Arising From The Minutes
Item # | Action Required | Comments | Owner | Target Date | Date Resolved |
1 | Newsletter | Frank researching article on MEOA history for fall newsletter. | Frank | On going | |
Submit articles to Diane | Those assigned as per prior minutes | October 10th | Past Due | ||
Prepare composite | Diane | November 19 | |||
2 | Spring Meeting | Follow up with Valley Blades re possible plant tour & sponsorship | Frank | ASAP | |
Follow up with Wajax re participation & sponsorship | Ray | ASAP | |||
Follow up with Olympia re participation & sponsorship | Ray | ASAP | |||
Check re: Irish Dancers for dinner entertainment | Ray | ASAP | |||
Follow up with Ritchie Brothers & Chrysler re sponsorship | Mike B | ASAP | |||
Investigate hats & mugs | Ray | ASAP | |||
3 | Website | Prepare articles & forward to Diane | As listed in 7 from June 19th meeting | ASAP | |
4 | Audit | Check if 3rd party audit is required | Mike B | ASAP | |
5 | Final Fall Show Numbers | Follow up with Cvent | Mike B | ASAP | |
6 | Outstanding PD Day Registrations | Follow up for payment | Mike B & Mike Fortier | ASAP | |
7 | PD Day | Investigate travel bag give away | Ray | ASAP | |
8 | Fall Field Trip 2014 | Provide registration fee reimbursement to City of Brantford | Don | ASAP | |
9 | Web Site | arrange webinar with Cara Epp | Diane | ASAP | |
10 | Fall Field Trip 2015 | Provide details of Schmidt potion of trip plan | Cameron | ASAP | |
Prepare map & itinerary | Clare/ Diane | ASAP | |||
11 | Spotlight Ad | Book ad & prepare draft | Diane | ASAP | |
12 | NEOPWA | Forward newsletter & MEOA info | Ray | ASAP | |
13 | Equipment Licensing | Represent MEOA during London meeting | Mike B | As per arranged meeting date | |
14 | Booth Update | Investigate pull up banner cost | Mike B | ASAP |
Item | Notes, Decisions |
1) Call To Order | Meeting called to order by Mike Beattie at 9:35 A.M. Mike welcomened Cameron MacRae to his first executive meeting as a new executive member. |
2) Approval Of Minutes | The minutes from the August 14th meeting were read and adopted with the following changes, next meeting date is to be changed to October 16th, location changed to Welland as well as checks for those absent to be added. Motion to accept: Cameron MacRae Seconded: Mike Fortier, Carried |
3) Treasurers Report | Reconciled Balance as per August 18th statement $29,348.87. Current account balance of $31,923.87. Don reported a profit of $12,314.98 for the Fall Show and a loss of $207.00 for the Fall Field Trip. Registration fee of $305.00 is outstanding from Ken Williams for the Fall Field Trip, $1,000.00 sponsorship cheque is due in from Strongco and a $1,500.00 sponsorship cheque is due from Cubex. Current cheques to deposit in the amount of $2,458.00 from the Fall Show & miscellaneous. Don advised that final numbers from the Fall Show have not been received from C Vent, Don is provide contact to Mike Beattie and Mike will follow up. Four or Five registrations are still outstanding from PD Day. Mike Fortier will advise who and Mike Beattie will follow up with them. Mike Beattie to check and confirm if 3rd party audit is required.Motion to accept: Mike Fortier Seconded: Mike Beattie, Carried |
4) Action items | Please refer to notes above for all Action items |
5) 2015 Spring Meeting | Visit it to Grote and $2,500.00 Grote commitment to sponsorship has been confirmed. Frank has not yet received response Valley Blades regarding request plant tour and meeting sponsorship. Wajax have advised that they would be willing to participate but have not yet confirmed regarding the $2,500.00 sponsorship. Ray will follow up with Wajax. Olympia have also advised that they would be willing to participate and Ray will speak to them regarding the $2,500.00 sponsorship. Ray advised that based on budget numbers a profit of around $6,000.00 is expected. Ray is checking into the possibility of a Irish dance group to provide entertainment for the Wednesday night dinner at Kennedy’s. Mike Beattie advised that Ritchie Brothers is willing to contribute sponsorship money and that he will follow up with them and also speak to Chrysler about possible sponsorship. Ray is going to investigate Irish hats and or mugs as a giveaway instead of the usual tee shirts. |
6) P. D. Day | Deposit has been sent and Forest City is booked. Maximum number that they can handle is 144 but that should be no problem as we have never had that many in the past. Ray will check into travel bags as a possible give away for PD day. |
7) 2014 Fall Field Trip | Twenty seven participants originally booked but there were two cancelations so a total of twenty five members participated. Six of them were first time participants from Oxford County, City of Barrie & City of Welland. Two participants did not attend one of the sponsor’s plant tours. In the future participants will be advised that participation in all trip sponsor events is a mandatory condition of participating in the trip. Participants have been encouraged to e mail their thanks to the trip sponsors. Ray had to back out of the trip and the MEOA will reimburse The City of Brantford for his registration fee. To help with sponsorship for future events it was suggested that we request feedback from the sponsors as to value obtained so we could use as endorsement for future trip sponsors. The participants enjoyed the trip and felt that the tours etc. were valuable and informative. |
8) Newsletter | Diane advised that she is still waiting for articles and information to come in and that we are past the October 10th deadline. Once she has the articles she will be able to complete & circulate the draft by November 18th or 19th for review prior to the November 25th publication date. |
9) Website | Diane will arrange a webinar with Cara Epp from Edna Marketing to review & go through the web site. Deadline for the website revisions is first of the new year in order to be ready for 2015 membership renewals and registrations. Discussion regarding posting financial information on the web site for members only to access. No decision reached. |
10) Cvent | Don advised that we cannot get out of the existing contract with Cvent without paying the full rate for the remainder of the contract term. Diane had a meeting with Cara Epp from Edna Marketing and Cara advised that Cvent could provide the services that we require. Cara has been in contact with C Vent in order to better understand their services and she is working through it. To be discussed further at the next |
11) 2015 Field Trip | Some outstanding questions from the JJE trip presentation at the Fall Show have not yet been answered. Cubex, JJE & Amaco have all committed as trip sponsors. Jeff Johnson has advised that he has staff at JJE who could help with the trip logistics. Cameron will provide the details for the Schmidt portion of the trip. The goal is for participation of 20-25 members. A map with brief itinerary will be prepared to promote the trip. |
New Business
1) Spotlight Advertisement | AORS has offered a 50% reduction in the normal advertising rate to The MEOA. Decision to take out a ½ page ad in the 2015 edition for a cost of $480.00. Diane will make the arrangements with AORS and will also prepare a draft ad for circulation & comments. |
2) Open Discussion | Ray advised that the NEOPWA is interested in MEOA activities, Fall Show, Field Trip etc. The MEOA will send our newsletter and info to the NEOPWA. |
Frank advised that MTO reps will be coming to London regarding the new equipment licensing requirements. Frank suggested that Mike Beattie should attend to represent the MEOA and Mike advised that he would be interested in attending. Frank will provide Mike with the MTO contact information. | |
Mike Beattie advised that the MEOA booth needs some updating prior to The Fall Show. Pull up banners were discussed as the best option. Cost and details to be investigated. | |
Ray suggested that Mike Born should be recognized in some way by the MEOA for all of his hard work and past efforts with the web site. | |
4) Adjournment | Meeting adjourned at 12:20 Motioned By: Diane Shirchenko, Seconded By: Mike Fortier |
Next Meeting
Scheduled Date: November 20th Location: Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington