Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: Jim Thompson
Date: January 17, 2013
Location: The Syndicate Restaurant, Niagara Falls, ON
Participants |
Executive Present | Position | Attended | Regrets | |
Jim Thompson | President | X | ||
Greg Lancaster | Past President | X | ||
Frank Vanhie | Vice President | X | ||
Don Miller | Treasurer | X | ||
Dave Sharp | Secretary | X | ||
Ray Klochnyk | Municipal Director | X | ||
Bill Smith | Municipal Director | X | ||
Mike Beattie | Municipal Director | X | ||
Brian Knight | Supplier Director | X | ||
Doug Bannon | Supplier Director | X | ||
Diane Shirchenko | Supplier Director | X | ||
Jerry Rade | Training & Compliance Director | X | ||
Clare Pomeroy | Field Trip Coordinator | X |
Action Items Arising From The Minutes |
Item # | Action Required | Comments | Owner | Target Date | Date Resolved |
1 | OPWA | To invite OPWA representation to a meeting or to meet with OPWA to discuss involvement | Don Miller | Next meeting | Don has contacted the OPWA & is waiting for a response |
2 | Municipal Target List | As of Nov 22nd AORS contact list provided, spread sheet to be prepared of contacts | Doug | By next meeting | |
3 | Contractor Target List | Prepare list of Contractors for membership promotion | All municipal executive members | By next meeting | Brian to report |
4 | MVSA Collision Course | Jerry has provided dates and details, Jim to forward to Mike to e mail to members | Jim | ASAP | |
5 | Canada Outdoor Show | Jim to continue investigation of ways to work with them as per 4 below | Jim | ASAP | |
6 | Spring Meeting | T shirts | Diane | ASAP | |
Prepare details on bus from Kitchener for participants and send to Mike for e mail and posting on web site | Ray | ASAP | |||
Ray to advise that MEOA will provide hotel room for Children’s Wish foundation rep | Ray | ASAP | |||
Letter to the City of Kingston | Jim | ASAP | |||
Investigate bus insurance | Ray | ASAP | |||
7 | Retiring Members | Investigate ways to recognize retiring MEOA members | All | Agenda item for next meeting | |
8 | Forms letters from old MEOA books | Bring books to next meeting | Don & Frank | Next meeting | |
9 | Fall Field Trip | Check possible Cummins location | Ray | ASAP | |
Check possible Amico location | Frank | ASAP | |||
Arrange booking bus and investigate bus insurance | Clare | ASAP | |||
Book hotel rooms | Frank/Diane | ASAP | |||
Draft up sponsorship letter | Clare | ASAP |
Minutes |
Item | Notes, Decisions |
1) Call To Order | Meeting called to order by Jim Thompson at 10:10 A.M. |
2) Approval Of Minutes | The minutes from the December 13th meeting were read and adopted
Motion to accept: Frank Vanhie Seconded: Mike Beattie Carried |
3) Treasurers Report | Year end reconciled balance 25,912.45. Event summery as of Dec 31, 2012, spring meeting 1,038.79 loss, PD day 2,730.17 profit, fall show 12,169.70 profit, field trip 322.55 loss. Total event profit 13,538.53 HST payment of 690.77 due. Year end loss 3,647.73.Insurance payment of 4,300.00 is coming. All ledgers from 2005 and up have been posted in the executive section of the website.
The treasurers report was adopted. Motion to accept: Ray Klochnyk Seconded: Doug Bannon Carried |
4) Canada Outdoor Show | Don & Jim have had a meeting with them and they are interested in working with us for their next show. They may provide possible free passes lunches etc. for MEOA members who attend. Jim to continue to investigate. |
5) Spring Meeting Update | Diane is looking after the t shirts. Possible sponsorship from EATON is pending. Arrangements to be made for refreshments on the bus back from Tackaberry’s. Participants are asking for details on bus from Kitchener departure time etc. Ray to provide required information to Mike so he can send out and post on website. Meeting date conflicts with the Heavy Construction show date, but nothing can be to make any changes. Children’s Wish Foundation rep would be willing to attend the meeting to accept the MEOA donation. MEOA would be willing to provide required hotel room, Ray to contact and advise. City of Kingston should be contacted and advised of our meeting at their location. Jim to prepare & forward a letter to the City. Ray will check in to the bus insurance and ask for a copy for our records. |
6) CVent Registration | Jim advised that he has received calls from members requesting the ability for all in one event registration which cannot currently be done with CVent. Don suggested that it could possibly be added for next year. It was pointed out that the PD day is on the site as a golf day and that this should be changed to PD day. Event agendas and flyers should be ready prior to opening event registration. Still a few bugs to be worked out, forward any feed back to Mike. |
7) New Business | Ray advised that the June A.O.R.S. show in Brantford has changed location and will now be held at the Wayne Gretsky Center. Ray has booked two rooms and has two spots reserved for golf.
Frank advised that a junior tournament is being held on the corse the same day as our PD day but that it will not affect us. Hole sponsorship will be priced at 150.00. Doug advised that the Simcoe County Road Supervisors Association is arranging a association bus trip to the MEOA fall show and that 12 members have so far expressed interest in the trip. Andrie has spoken to the District Eight Road Supervisors group about arranging a similar trip but has not yet heard back from them. Clare suggested that there should be some type of official MEOA recognition for retiring members. To be added as a action item for next meeting. Don and Frak will bring their old MEOA executive member books to the next meeting to see if any of the existing form letters etc can be posted in the executive section of the MEOA web site. Clare asked for confirmation on Fall Field Trip dates. August 24th to 29th are the tentative dates. The trip will be to the APWA show in Chicago. Trip could also include visits to a City of Chicago facility to Cummins and Amico. Ray will check on a possible Cummins location and Frank will contact Cameron from Amico. Clare will go ahead and arrange to book the bus. Clare will check in to the bus insurance and ask for a copy for our records. Frank will check with Diane on booking hotel rooms. Clare will make up a letter to send to all supplier members advising of sponsorship opportunities for the Fall Trip. |
8) Adjournment | Meeting adjourned at 12:25
Motioned By: Greg Lancaster Seconded By: Ray Klochnyk |
Next Meeting |
Scheduled Date | February 21st | Location | Newly renovated County of Wellington facility |
Start Time | 10:00 am | End Time | As Required |