Municipal Equipment & Operations Association (Ontario) Inc. – Minutes of the meeting at The Region of Waterloo, Operations Centre, Thursday, January 17, 2008 – 10:30 a.m.
Present: Ann Marie Millson, Bill Barr, John Rutkay, Phil Dechene, Rick Ellig, Bill Koch, Dave Sharp, Giuliano Duni, Don Miller, Mike Born, Gary Hirst
Regrets: John Duncan, Clare Pomeroy
1. Review of Minutes and Action Items from Last Meeting
Motion to accept: Bill Barr
Seconded: John Rutkay
2. Treasurer’s Report
Royal Bank Account 19 Dec. statement balance was $32,022.67
Reconciled balance as of 31 December 2007 was $ 28,715.27
2007 Financial Summary of Events – 31 December 2007
Spring Meeting
Revenue = $11,207.29 Expenses = $8,897.85 Profit/Loss = $2,309.44
PD Day
Revenue = $12,191.78 Expenses = $8,267.48 Profit/Loss = $3,924.30
Fall Equip Show
Revenue = $24,556.20 Expenses = $9,989.72 Profit/Loss = $14,566.48
Field Trip
Revenue = $9,625.00 Expenses = $8,834.06 Profit/Loss = $790.94
Total Net = $ 21,591.16
GST Received $ 4,561.73
GST Paid $ 4,561.73
GST Payment/Credit Due $ 0.00
Net Profit (Loss) $ 21,591.16
Motion to accept: G. Duni
Seconded: R. Ellig
3. Spring Meeting
- Reviewed Ann Marie’s proposed budget and agenda (attached)
- 2008 Fee will be $75.00
- Speaker information required by 31 January (to Rick/Ann Marie):
- Name & title
- Subject title
- Scheduled agenda time required
- By 19 February meeting request a copy of their presentation, a personal ‘bio’, and room requirement
- Speaker contact assignments are: Hino – Ann Marie
Greening Our Fleet Panelists – Bill B./Rick
Greening Our Buildings Panelists – Phil / Rick
Greening Our Community Panelists – John Duncan - Introductory speaker from MOE – ask Roger Smith for contacts – Bill Barr
- $1000 budgeted for draw prizes. Purchase assignment – Bill Koch
4. P.D. Day
- Paris Grand Country Club, 22 March. Fee is $85 + GST
- 11 am registration, 12:30 pm shotgun start
5. Fall Equipment Show
- OPA reps met @ Kitchener Auditorium 24 Jan to review outdoor facilities. They will decide how they want to proceed with exhibits & lunch and advise Don Miller.
- MEOA show entrance fee with meal to be $35.00 + GST
6. Fall Field Trip
- Meeting to be scheduled with sponsors & executive to confirm agenda & set dates for travel agent.
- Coordinate flight information with travel agent
Clare, Rick, Don, Bill B, Ann Marie
7. MEOA Website/Online Payment Project
- Mike Born demonstrated online store progress to date
- Will continue with Moneris set up to enable secure link
- Website updates are continuing
Mike B., Mike/John D.
8. Other Business
- CAO letter reviewed, changes suggested to be incorporated and sent along with one page spring meeting agenda and Promotional Flyer
- Annual dues and events letter to membership to be sent explaining new online payment option – target date 31 January
- Promotional items with quantities were discussed and competitive pricing to be brought to Feb 19th meeting
- Future meeting minutes are to be reported in an action based format
- Next meeting-9:30 am Tues. February 19th in Guelph location TBD
- Motion to adjourn by Giuliano, seconded by Rick Ellig. Carried
Ann Marie, Rick, John R., Don Miller, Bill B./Gary, Ann Marie, Gary/Rick/Ann Marie, Bill Barr