July – 2016

Subject MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person Rick Ellig
Date July 21, 2016

Dundas Museum, Dundas Ontario


Executive Present Position Attended Regrets
Rick Ellig President ü   
Ray Klochnyk Past President    ü


Bill Barr Vice President ü   
Don Miller Treasurer    ü
Dave Sharp Secretary   ü
Mike Fortier Municipal Director   ü  
Jim Thompson Municipal Director    ü
Scott Boughner Municipal Director ü  
Andre Boutin Supplier Director   ü
Cor Bultena Supplier Director   ü     
Cameron MacRae Supplier Director   ü  
Diane Shirchenko Communications & Marketing     ü
Bill Greenhalgh Training & Compliance Director ü  
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator   ü  
Frank Vanhie Field Trip Assistant   ü  


Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item #

Action Required Comments


Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick Oct/2016 Dec 31/2016
    Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act Don Miller Oct/2016 Pending
2 Spring Meeting Don & Diane to meet & review CVENT outstanding Don/Diane ASAP Pending
3 Charity Cheque Present cheque Ray Complete Remove from list
4 Charity Funds From Spring Meeting Don to cheek & advise funds raised at meeting Don Complete Remove from list
5 Spring Meeting Decision for future format All Agenda item for next meeting Pending
6 Events Co Chairs & planning

*Plus new Membership Committee

All Complete Remove from list
7 PD Day Hole sponsorship Mike ASAP Pending
    JJE Ball Mike ASAP Pending
    Draw envelops Ray ASAP Pending
    Draw prizes Mike ASAP Pending
    Registration gift Frank Complete Remove from list
8 Web Site Remove old minutes

Diane to follow up with Mike

Diane ASAP Pending
9 Field Trip Locations Clare/ Frank/Scott ASAP Pending
10 CVENT Replacement All ASAP Move to become part of #8 above
11 Post Conference newsletter Prepare & post on web site Diane ASAP Pending




Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Rick Ellig at 9:35 A.M.


2) General Comments Rick thanked both ray and Bill Barr for handling the meeting in June. Bill Barr announced his resignation from the City of Guelph effective early August, to take a position with Grand River Transit. For now Bill will remain as on the executive but will be resigning from his role as Vice President.


3) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the June 21, 2016 executive meeting were read and adopted.

Motion to accept: Bill Barr

Seconded: Scott Boughner,  Carried


4) Treasurers Report Current bank balance $7,469.57

Receivables outstanding $14,695.01

Motion to accept: Cor Bultena

Seconded: Cameron MacRae,  Carried


5) Combined Conferences (Spring Meeting & Fall Equipment Show Lengthy discussion on the recent joint venture, with the discussion identifying both the good and bad

The main issue/concern is still the number of participants

Discussed the current timing of our Fall Show (typically the first week of September) and it was suggested that possibly moving this event later in September or possibly even in October might be an option

Discussed the cost to supplier members in getting their equipment/products to a one day event and suggestions to change the format that could be more cost effective to our vendors and possibly generate more revenue (as a result) to our association

Much discussion supported having a combined event again next year, and offer the vendors a chance to speak for probably 10 minutes each and eliminate the equipment component of the event

Moved by Scott Boughner  and Seconded by Bill Greenhalgh that this format be used again in 2017. Motion carried

6) 2017 Spring Meeting and Fall Show Chairs & Co-Chairs


Spring Meeting Chair: Jim Thompson Vice President (acclaimed)

                          Co-Chair: Cor Bultena

Fall Show Chair: Andre Boutin (acclaimed)

                           Co-Chair Cameron MacRae


7) Marketing/Membership promotion (new committee)  In conjunction with the two committees listed above, it was identified a need to promote the association with the intent to grow the membership. Moved by Cameron MacRae and Seconded by Bill Barr that a new committee needs to be in place to promote the association and targeting Municipal employees. Motion passed.

Marketing/Membership Promotion Chair: Dave Sharp (acclaimed), Co-chair  Diane Shirchenko (acclaimed)

8) 2016 P.D. As of July 18th, registration numbers have 63 golfers

Mike Fortier to start contacting those members that typically attend but have not yet signed up. The first group will be those that paid the “all in one membership” but have not yet confirmed their attendance

Hole in One sponsor has been confirmed

DICAN will be sponsoring the lunch

Prizes will be capped at $1,200.00, Mike & Ray to make final decisions on prizes to be purchased

Ray needs to confirm he has the tickets for the 50/50 draw

Ray & Brenda will stuff the $20.00 envelopes to be sold at the registration table

Talked about the number of Hole Sponsors, it was agreed the more the better with the price being the same for all

9) 2017 P.D. Chairs Mike Fortier and Don Miller (acclaimed)
10) Fall Field Trip Looking at travelling to the states from Sunday October 9th to Friday October 14th

Potential companies to visit include: Cummins Engine Plant Columbus Ohio, Schwartz Manufacturing Huntsville Alabama, Allison Transmission Plant Indianapolis and possibly a municipality in the Nashville Tennessee area

Need confirmation from Cubex

Frank to contact Nick Finnamore regarding a possible visit to Allison

Bill Barr to provide a contact name for Cummins

Another possible tour (close to Huntsville) would be Aztec Industries (makers of Asphalt construction type equipment

Clare/Scott/Frank to update the executive asap on proposed details of the 2016 trip

11) 2017 Field Trip Chairs Clare Pomeroy and Scott Boughner
12) Website Rick is searching out help for website design & support. Waiting for at least two more responses to his request

Expect to be able to provide an update at August meeting



1) Safety update Bill Greenhalgh reported changes to class A driver’s licence. Effective July 2017, any “new” class A driver must go through a graduated licence program that includes the road test only being offered by the MTO. Signing authorities will no longer be allowed to upgrade employees to a class A licence

Going forward, as part of the monthly meeting agenda a time will be set aside for updates from Bill Greenhalgh regarding safety items/issues


2) Executive login Scott Boughner asked about the executive login. Rick will provide this information to all executive plus update the executive members contact information to be shared by all
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:15 motion by Scott Boughner seconded by Bill Barr, carried.


Next Meeting
Scheduled Date August 18, 2016 Downtown Long Point