March 2015

Subject: MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person: Mike Beattie
Date: March 19, 2015
Location: Waterloo Inn, Waterloo Ontario


Mike Beattie – President
Frank Vanhie – Past President
Ray Klochnyk – Vice President
Don Miller – Treasurer (do not attend)
Dave Sharp – Secretary
Rick Ellig – Municipal Director
Mike Fillion – Municipal Director
Mike Fortier – Municipal Director
Andre Boutin – Supplier Director
Lisa McClelland – Supplier Director (did not attend)
Cameron MacRae – Supplier Director (did not attend)
Diane Shirchenko – Communications & Marketing (do not attend)
Training & Compliance Director – Position Vacant
Clare Pomeroy – Field Trip Coordinator (did not attend)

Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item # Action Required Comments Owner Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick ASAP Deferred to next meeting
     Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act  Don Miller  ASAP Deferred to next meeting
2 Spring Meeting  Bios of presenters is required  Ray  ASAP  
     Forward copy of meeting agenda  Ray  ASAP  
     Prepare duty list  Ray    
     Send reminder to members to book any required hotel rooms  Mike B.  May meeting  
3 Newsletter  Follow up with Diane  Mike B.  May meeting  
 4  Web Site  Interactive Fall Show Plan  Mike B. discuss with Andre  ASAP  
     Investigate corporate registration  Mike B.  ASAP  
5 PD Day  Complete agenda & forward to Diane  Mike Fortier  ASAP  
     Check & advise re JJE contribution to MEOA for JJE Ball event  Andre  ASAP  
 6  Web Site  Send email reminder to members to sign up for Spring meeting  Mike B.  ASAP  
     Send request to members for election nominations  Mike B.  ASAP  
 7  Field Trip  Set cut-off date for trip registration  Mike B.  ASAP  
     Send feedback to Rick for editing & possible changes to the draft memo  Mike B.  ASAP  
     Check re: government funding  Andre  ASAP  
 8  Fall Show Handout  Prepare a draft  Mike B.  Spring meeting  
 9  AORS June Show  Update booth. Book space for show  Mike B, Frank  ASAP  


Item Notes, Decisions

1) Call To Order

 Meeting called to order by Mike Beattie at 9:30 A.M.
2) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the February 19th, 2015 meeting were read and adopted.Motion to accept: Mike FillionSeconded: Rick Ellig,  Carried

3) Treasurers Report

 No treasures report available.

4) 2015 Spring Meeting

Invoices have been sent to sponsors for sponsorship fees. Agenda is now all set Ray to forward a copy. Agenda is also posted on web site. The plaques need to be ordered for presenters & out going executive members. Working on nominations for the election. Three municipal, 2 supplier directors and training & compliance director required. Executive to meet Wednesday 9:30 at the Waterloo Inn. Ray is preparing the meeting duty list. Mike Beattie is to send a reminder out to members to book any required hotel rooms.
5) P. D. Day Mike Fortier to complete agenda & forward to Diane. Sign up for hole sponsorship is on the web site. Watches & other left over giveaway items from prior events will be used up at PD day. Any one attending the event must be a MEOA member. Any last minute show ups will need to pay registration fees before they can play. Andre will check & advise re JJE contribution to the MEOA for the JJE ball promotion. The May 14th executive meeting will be held at Forest City.
6) Web Site Mike Beattie will forward a email reminder to members to sign up for The Spring Meeting. The forum will be up & operating shortly. There will be a presentation at the Spring Meeting for the members on the new web site. Mike will send out a request to members for election nominations.
7) Field Trip Rick prepared a memo that can be presented by those interested in attending to management to help them obtain approval for participation. Memo reviewed & Mike Beattie will provide feedback to Rick for editing & possible changes to the draft. A cut-off date for trip registration will be established. Trip details are being worked out and finalized. Andre advised that in Italy some government funding may be available to trip sponsors. Andre will check and advise.
8) Action Items Please refer to notes above for all action items.


2) New Business Andre suggested that a advertising hand out for the Fall Show would be beneficial in promoting the show. The hand out could be provided to suppliers who could then pass them out to customers who may be interested in attending. Mike Beattie will prepare a draft for the executive to take a look at ready for the Spring Meeting. Andre has volunteered if re-elected to co chair the 2016 Fall Show.
  Mike Beattie advised that questions for the panel presentation at the spring meeting will be reviewed by the executive on the Wednesday. Question forms will also be prepared for hand out at registration.
  Ray advised that he has had enquiries regarding a updated membership book. Suggestion was that the book could be made available on the web site and members could then print as required.
   Ray said that Kubota will be holding a 2-day dealer event in 2016 in Markham. They may be interested in having one day available as a MEOA open house. Ray to advise.
   Frank asked if we would be interested in having a booth at the June AORS trade show in Exeter. The current booth need updating & Mike Beattie will talk to Diane about new banners. Frank will contact AORS and book booth space.
4) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 11:30
Motioned By: Rick Ellig, Seconded By: Andre Boutin, Carried

Next Meeting

Scheduled Date: May 14th – Forest City