September – 2016

Subject MEOA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Chair Person Rick Ellig
Date September 22, 2016

Oxford County Administration Building, Woodstock, Ontario


Executive Present Position Attended Regrets
Rick Ellig President ü   
Ray Klochnyk Past President ü


Jim Thompson Vice President     ü
Don Miller Treasurer   ü  
Dave Sharp Secretary ü  
Mike Fortier Municipal Director   ü  
Bill Barr Municipal Director    ü
Scott Boughner Municipal Director ü  
Andre Boutin Supplier Director ü  
Cor Bultena Supplier Director   ü     
Cameron MacRae Supplier Director   ü  
Diane Shirchenko Communications & Marketing   ü  
Bill Greenhalgh Training & Compliance Director ü
Clare Pomeroy Field Trip Coordinator   ü  
Frank Vanhie Field Trip Assistant   ü  


Action Items Arising From The Minutes

Item #

Action Required Comments


Target Date Date Resolved
1 Audit Check if 3rd party audit is required Rick Oct/2016 Dec 31/2016
    Don to contact BDO to ask for guidance on MEOA compliance regarding the new Act Don Miller Oct/2016 Pending
2 2016 PD Day Send any photos of SUDEP shirts to Rick All ASAP  
    Send any PD day photos to Diana All ASAP  
    E mail to tanks sponsors & gift donators Mike ASAP  
3 2017 PD Day Print draw tickets for next year Ray ASAP  
    Send e mail to 2016 hole sponsors as per (6) below for 2017 commitment Mike ASAP  
    Location & ideas Co Chairs Next Meeting  
4 2016 Field Trip Promote trip registration All Prior to Oct 14  
    Follow up with last year’s attendees Frank Prior to Oct 14  
    Send trip promotion e mail & itinerary Frank    
5 2017 Field Trip Book rooms Diane ASAP  
    Investigate air fare cost Diane ASAP  
    Prepare E mail to send to members Frank/Scott/Clare ASAP  
6 Web Site  Research Cvent replacement Don/ Mike Born ASAP  
    Take new executive photo Ray Next Meeting  
    Post new charity on site Diane ASAP  
7 Marketing & Membership Renew AORS advertisement Diane ASAP  
    Newsletter Draft Diane Next Meeting  
    Review PD registration for potential new members Diane/Dave ASAP  
    Review AORS membership list for potential new members Diane/Dave ASAP  
    Promotional postcard Diane/Dave ASAP  
    Add MEOA member endorsements to newsletter Diane ASAP  
    Prepare & post on web site Diane ASAP Pending
    Contact AORS re web site as per (10) below Diane Prior to Oct 14  
    Diane & Dave to meet MEOA promotional ideas Diane ASAP  
8 2017 Spring Conference Ideas & location Co Chairs Next Meeting  
9 New Business Contact OESB Cam ASAP  
    Investigate electronic payment at event registration   ASAP  




Notes, Decisions
1) Call To Order Meeting called to order by Rick Ellig at 9:30 A.M.


2) General Comments Rick welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked the group for the work completed for the PD day. With special thanks to Mike Fortier, Ray Klochnyk and Diane Shirchenko for all their hard work.
3) Approval Of Minutes The minutes from the August 18, 2016 executive meeting were read and adopted.

Motion to accept: Scott Boughner

Seconded: Don Miller,  Carried


4) Treasurers Report Current bank balance  $20,417.79

Outstanding payables approximately $10,000.00 owing to the Dundee Golf Club for PD day expenses.

Some PD day hole sponsorship money is outstanding. Mike will forward the PD day spread sheet to Don for follow up. Don advised that there are also some outstanding payments due from the Spring Conference & Trade Show in the approximate amount of $6,000 to $7,000.                                    

Motion to accept: Diane Shirchenko

Seconded: Bill Greenhalgh,  Carried

5) Charity Rick asked anyone who has photos from the PD day of the executive wearing the SUDEP tee shirts to forward them to him. SUEDP would like to include them in their newsletter. 
6) 2016 P.D. Day Wrap Up



Diana would like any available PD day photos sent to her so she can use them in the next MEOA newsletter.

Ray advised that it is looking like profit from this year’s PD day will be the best yet. The ticket envelops worked well again this year and for next year we will do the same. We will need more tickets printed for next year as we are running out. The hole sponsorship signs & holders have been stored at The City of Brantford, container # 4. The contact to retrieve them when required again is Shane Pepper,, (519)752-6425 x 5850


Mike will prepare and send a e mail thanking this year’s sponsors & prize table gift contributors and also asking for their support for next year. When the date has been confirmed for the 2017 PD day Mike will contact the 33 hole sponsors of this year’s PD day advise them of the 2017 date and ask if they will be 2017 hole sponsors.  

7) 2016Fall Field Trip Trip registration is now available on the web site. Date is November 13th to 16th. Currently 14 members have committed to attending and the goal is to have a group of 25. Frank asked the executive to promote the trip with anyone that they think may be a candidate to attend. He also pointed out that the registration deadline is October 14 and stressed the urgency of  promoting the trip now. Frank will follow up with those that attended last year’s trip and have not yet committed to this year’s trip. Bus pick up points will be at Kitchener & London and the all in registration cost is $325.00.  Frank is going to send a promotional e mail out to the members along with the trip itinerary. It was confirmed that all those registering for the trip must be current MEOA members.


8) Website Replacement for Cvent is the current priority item. Don & Mike are currently investigating options. It looks like Wild Apricot could be a good choice. Annual fees of $1,800.00 to $2,000.00 are considerably less than Cvent. Rick will forward Daryl Bakers contact information to Don & Mike. They will then contact him to see what he can offer and decide how best to proceed.

Motion Made By Rick Ellig: For Mike Born to proceed with researching a replacement for Cvent. To investigate options and to report back to the executive with suggestions and costs. For further executive discussion and final approval.

Motion to accept: Diane Shirchenko

Seconded: Bill Greenhalgh,  Carried


Executive photo is now on the web site. Ray will take a new picture at the next executive meeting that will include the new executive members. The spring meeting photos are on the site. Diane will be posting the new charity on to the web site and will set up a link to the SUDEP site. Moving forward for members who register for a all in one membership the MEOA will look after signing them up for each individual event. This will simplify the process and help with record keeping.    


9) Safety Committee Bill attended the AORS Provincial Truck Rodeo. At the Rodeo he was speaking to the supervisor of  Kevin Rankin from Chatham Kent who was interested in the MEOA and the networking opportunities that it can provide. Bill will follow up with him. 
10) Marketing & Membership Diane has spoken to AORS about renewing our advertisement in The Spotlight magazine and she will follow up. Diane is working toward having a draft of the new MEOA newsletter ready for the executive to review at the next meeting.


PD day registration to be reviewed and any new attendees on the list will be contacted and encouraged to sign up for MEOA membership. AORS membership on AORS web site to be reviewed and any on list who could be potential MEOA members identified.


At future PD days before giving out a supplier donated gift the name of the supplier will be announced. The name of those winning the gift will be recorded and they will be asked to send a thank you to the donating supplier.


It was suggested that printed post cards could be made up promoting MEOA membership. The card should have no event dates on it so that it does not need to be reprinted each year and the old card that have not been distributed thrown out. It could be distributed to supplier members who could leave it with their municipal customers when visiting them. Also it could be given to municipal members to distribute to other municipal contacts who may not currently be MEOA members. A supply of the promotional post cards could be sent out to members along with the newsletter.


A page could be added to the upcoming newsletter for member endorsements that would be helpful for promoting the MEOA to non members.


AORS to be contacted to see if we can advertise the field trip on the AORS web site and also if we could set up a link to the MEOA site.


Diane to arrange a meeting with Dave to discuss further.           

11) 2017 Field Trip Con Expo being considered as possible destination. Date of show is March 7th to 11th. Rooms need to be reserved now as booking deadline is approaching. Diane to reserve 25 rooms from Monday March 6th to Sunday March 12th. If the trip does not shape up then the rooms will be cancelled before any fees are applicable. It will be up to those attending to arrange their own transportation to the show. E mail to be prepared & sent to members to determine level of interest. Diane to investigate air rates so a idea of transportation costs can be included in the e mail.     
12) 2017 Spring Meeting/Fall Show (combined event) The event Co Chairs will meet and discuss ideas and possible locations to bring forward at the next meeting.



13) 2017 PD Day The event Co Chairs will meet and discuss ideas and possible locations to bring forward at the next meeting.




1) Training Courses Cam advised that he has a contact with The Ontario Electrical Safety Board. There could be some potential for The Ontario Electrical Safety Board to run certification courses through the MEOA. Cam will see if his contact would be interested in attending the November executive meeting to discuss this idea.
2) Spring Meeting/ Fall Show Ray suggested that we hold a panel discussion as part of the conference meeting agenda. Similar to the one that was done at the prior meeting in Waterloo. He said that it went over well with the members and It might be good to do another one in 2017.
3) Outgoing Executive Ray asked about executive that will be outgoing in 2017 and suggested that we start to think about   replacements that would stand for election. Bill Greenhalgh & Andre Boutin will be outgoing.
4) Donkey Sanctuary Ray advised that in appreciation for charity money raised for the Donkey Sanctuary that they could offering a behind the scenes tour for a small group. several executive members expressed interest and Ray will investigate further.
5) Retirement Frank advised the group that a long standing member Brendan Keaveney from the City of Brampton will be retiring at the end of October.
5) Electronic Payment Andre suggested that we have electronic payment available at the door for MEOA events. To be investigated
6) Bereavement Cam let the group know that Dave Wasser  from Line X in London has passed on.
Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 12:00 motion by Rick Ellig seconded by  Don Miller carried.



Next Meeting
Scheduled Date October 13, 2016 Welland 9:30 Start Time